5 Self-Care Tips for Summer
With warmer weather and blue skies, summer is a feelgood time of year for many of us. But with it comes busy schedules, holiday planning and a whole six weeks of keeping the little ones busy. So, stress-free it ain’t! With that in mind and in honour of national well-being week at the end of June, here’s our self-care tips for summer to make sure it's as relaxing as you deserve it to be.

1. Be Comfortable in Your Own Skin
One of the downsides of summer is an influx of adverts for products promising to give you the “perfect summer bod” or make you “beach ready.” But the fact is you don’t need to change a thing about yourself to enjoy the summer season. So ignore those glossy women’s fashion mags with their fad diets and unattainable goals. As long as you’re enjoying yourself and doing summer your way, that’s all that matters.
2. Take Care of Your Skin Too!
Longer days and hotter weather can take a toll on your skin. So make sure you wear plenty of sun cream and adopt a simple daily skincare routine to keep your skin hydrated and healthy. An easy to follow three step routine of cleanse, tone and moisturise is enough to keep your skin looking its best. Aim to do this when you wake up in the morning and at the end of the day before bed. Check out our new sister site solacebeauty.co.uk/ for our pick of the best skincare products for sensitive skin.

It’s true that a tidy home can help tidy a cluttered mind so try to find some time to have the clear out you’ve been meaning to do for months. Make the most of the change of season by reviewing your wardrobe and donating anything you don’t wear anymore to charity. Clear out your junk draw and store all your little keepsakes in one of our brand new, stylish trinket boxes or dishes. We’ve also got a range of jewellery cases in different styles and sizes so you can finally store all your stud earrings, rings and necklaces safely in one place.
4. Eat Fresh and Stay Hydrated
Make the most of the whole host of fresh fruit and vegetables that summer brings. From strawberries to apricots, asparagus to courgettes, you might find some delicious local produce right on your doorstep. And don’t forget to drink plenty of water after a day out enjoying the sunshine!
5. Get Out and Enjoy It
We all know how fickle the great British weather can be. It won’t be long until we’re back to the usual grey and drizzle we’re used to. So make the most of every opportunity you get to spend out in the sunshine. Walk wherever you can, picnic in the park or just spend a few contemplative moments in the garden soaking up those relaxed summer vibes.