6 Ways to Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day
The concept of Random Acts of Kindness Day is simple. Every year, on the 17th February, we’re encouraged to put smiles on the faces of family, friends and even strangers by performing spontaneous deeds of loveliness.
The first ever Random Acts of Kindness Day was celebrated back in 2004. Originating in New Zealand, it’s now widely celebrated in the US and has been growing in popularity elsewhere year on year. And after the events of the past 12 months, we think more of us than ever should be embracing the idea this year.
From small compliments to grand gestures, your act of kindness can take any form you want. Use these six ideas to get you started.

1. Go Litter Picking in Your Local Area.
Tie in your daily dose of exercise with a spot of litter picking to make a visible difference to where you live. Parks and alleyways are usually the worse culprits but you can find unwanted rubbish almost everywhere. You’ll need to make sure you wear gloves and invest in a litter picker. Then you’ll feel fabulous knowing you’ve made the place look tidier for everyone else. And, of course, done your bit for the environment too!
2. Say Thank You to a Stranger.
If you’re out shopping for essentials, make the store assistant's day by thanking them for all their hard work during this difficult time. Or else thank a fellow dog walker when they clean up after their pooch in the park.
3. Ring Someone Out of the Blue.
Call up a friend you’ve not spoken to in a while and ask them how they are. Or go one step further and become a call buddy with Age UK. For many elderly people, the pandemic has increased preexisting feelings of isolation and loneliness. But a 30 minute phone call can make the world of difference.
4. Leave a Random Gift for Someone to Find.
You don’t need a big occasion like a birthday or Christmas to show someone how much they mean to you. Use Random Acts of Kindness Day as a less obvious reason to give a special gift instead. Add to the surprise by hiding it somewhere for them find. Pop their favourite aftershave in their pocket or a pair of stud earrings under their pillow. Or why not leave a card for a stranger to find with enough money inside to buy a coffee.
5. Donate to a local Foodbank.
Pick up a few extra tins or bags of pasta and pop them in the foodbank trolley when you’re next at the supermarket. You’ll put a smile on a lot of hungry little faces.
6. Carry On Your Acts of Kindness All Year Round.
One of the best ways to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day is to vow that you’ll regularly make time to spread positivity. Try to make at least one person smile once a day and you’ll soon find it’s you that can’t stop grinning.