We are proud partners of Sands Charity, the UK’s leading baby saving charity that exists to reduce the number of babies dying and when the worst happens, to support anyone affected for as long as they need.


Sands provides bereavement support services through its accredited Freephone helpline, mobile app, online community and resources, and through a network of regional support groups based across the UK.

Sands works in partnership with health care professionals, NHS Trusts and health boards to provide specialist training and bereavement care resources to ensure that every bereaved parent and family receives the best possible care.

Sands promotes and funds research to understand the causes of baby deaths and save babies’ lives. The charity works with governments, key influencers and other stakeholders to make reducing the number of babies dying a priority.

As a midwife, Lindsay has seen the amazing work Sands do for not only the patients, but the hospital staff too. This charity is very close to our hearts and we happy to be able to support them.

Therefore, 10% of all our profits will be donated to Sands and we are going to be doing a number of events per year to raise awareness and money for the amazing work they do.

We have also partnered with Sands to bring you a necklace to celebrate Baby Loss Awareness, with the full £12 going to charity. Click on the image below to help us support the wonderful charity and get a beautiful necklace.

Baby loss awareness necklace